I am proud to say I have completed an entire week of being "on-plan"!
I am simultaneously thrilled and incredulously surprised that after 27 years of an "on again/off again" relationship with Weight Watchers and 4 years as a Weight Watchers Leader, being on plan for one week can still get me so excited. One would think I would be depressed that in some ways I am still back where I started.
I'm not though. I understood a long time ago that there are no cures for food issues. I will be taking it one day at a time for my entire life. When I see and feel the health benefits, however, I realize it is totally worth it.
It isn't that I wasn't tracking before, it is just that I wasn't tracking consistently. I may not track forever (who am I kidding... I won't) but it is important for me to track right now. I'm committing to tracking for the month of May.
Although the challenges will go on the rest of my life there are things I do hope will change for good.
I hope, for instance that I will be able to stop experiencing the "nobody will ever know" mentality.
It doesn't happen to me as much as it used to but it did happen yesterday.
I went shopping for some healthy food, but as soon as I got in the store I was hit with the scrumptious smell of bread being baked and met with the visual appeal of multi-topping slices of pizza staring back at me from behind the glass wall of the display counter.
It's like the store knows me. They are even smart enough to top some slices with Spinach and Vegetables in the hopes that I will rationalize myself into deciding it is healthy.
It was then that that old familiar thought came back to me: "nobody will ever know".
I went so far as to look around to see if I could see any of my Weight Watcher Members watching before I managed to snap myself back into check.
The thing is I wasn't even hungry. What is that all about? The world out there is a trap designed to snag me and real me in, but I fought my battle and won this round.
My hope is that the more often I win the easier the battles will become.
I saw a Facebook post a while ago that said something along the lines of: "Whether you track or don't track, your body is keeping an accurate record".
Truer words were never spoken.
So if I had eaten the pizza is it true that nobody would ever know?
I would know.
I like to think I'm somebody.
It was an easy food day yesterday. Jamie hadn't eaten his "Muesli with Mixed Berries" breakfast I made for him the day prior so I had that for breakfast.

For lunch I made Red Curry Tofu and Vegetable Bowls from the "WW Year-Round-Fresh" cookbook.
Lunch tasted so good and we felt lazy so we had the same meal for dinner (leftovers).
It was a no cooking Sunday night :-)
Here is to a new and healthy week!
Don't forget about the May Challenge! Read my May 1st blog for details :-)
Have a great week everyone!
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