One would think that as a person who has spent over a year attending classes at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, and who has spent the l...

Sunday, 15 May 2016


I think there is always a "take away" from the things that happen to you in life.

I'm not really sure I believe bad things happen for a reason, but when things do happen there is always something we can take away from it. Something that can help us grow or strive for better.

In the scheme of things, my getting sick is hardly "up there" in terms of huge life events, but as I reflect over the past few days it does give me a sense of renewed determination to be healthy because it has given me a glimpse into a world that could be the future if I don't.

I have always had issues with my my lungs and with chest congestion. I think it stems back to severe asthma issues that started when I was a child.  I vividly remember hearing stories on the news about how you weren't supposed to use ventolin inhalers for more than two puffs, four times daily or the health consequences could be severe enough to result in death, and thinking: "yeah...that sounds easy enough...but if I don't use mine about 12 times a day I can't breath". I think treatment has come a long way since those days, but I have no doubt that in the process of over medicating myself a lot of damage was done. My asthma continued until about 12 years ago. When I lost weight and started eating healthy the asthma completely disappeared. With the exception of one bad night in Scotland I have't used a ventolin inhaler in about 12 years. I can't help but wonder if I ever would have needed one if I had simply eaten better.

I rarely get a simple cold. If I get it, it's not pretty, and I've had pneumonia twice. Knowing that I have these issues makes me even more proud that I was able to run a Marathon last year and will do it again for Muscular Dystrophy (MDA TEAM MOMENTUM) this year.

This time was no different. I got pretty sick. I was still able to get out and lead my Weight Watchers meetings Saturday morning but in retrospect I probably shouldn't have. As I was driving home I started finding it very difficult to swallow and drove straight to a walk-in clinic instead of home.

I know my nutritionist friends won't be thrilled I am taking medication instead of natural remedies, but I really believe there are times you have to make a judgement call. If it is possible and there is time to heal yourself naturally than I fully support it, but yesterday, when swallowing was becoming a problem, I needed medical help.

Anyway, that is not really the point of today's blog post.

The point is this: There have been several times over the past few days that it has been difficult just to get out of bed. There have been times when I woke up feeling like I was drowning in my own congestion. There have been times when I have had to fight through uncontrollable, deep hacking coughs. This has been my life for the past few days.

One only has to spend a few hours in a hospital, or go into a home for the elderly to realize that this is the life some people have for life.

I don't want to be one of those people and there is only one defence. That defence it to live the healthiest and fullest life you can live....and to make sure you take time for yourself.

There really is no other "alternate option". It is the only line of defence.

I certainly don't like being this sick...but I am ever so grateful for the reminder that this could be the future if I don't do the very best I can to take care of myself each and every day. I hope that by sharing, others will be able to find a similar lesson in this.


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