One would think that as a person who has spent over a year attending classes at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, and who has spent the l...

Wednesday, 11 May 2016


The problem with writing a blog post that truly means something to you is that it creates a dilemma. How the hell do I top it?

I really think there was an important message in my blog post yesterday. If you haven't read it yet I really encourage you to. It can be viewed here: Just let it go!

The reality is I can't top yesterday's blog post because not every post can be better than the one before.

So this one is simply back to "the life of Alan".

How my day started today depends on how you look at it. I got served pancakes in bed! Is that good or bad?

It wasn't a planned indulgence but certainly wasn't one I was going to say no to. This never happens!

There was a reason why I got served pancakes in bed though. It is because I am a sick puppy.

I started feeling ill around lunch time yesterday. First it was a congested feeling in the chest, and then in the throat, and now the head is all stuffed up.

Do you find that when you are going through stressful events in your life your body manages to hang on just long enough to get you through, but as soon as the stressful period dissipates the body goes "thank god" and gets sick?

I think that is what has happened to me. I was waiting for some very critical news yesterday and was so anxious. I won't go into details but the news I got was the best news ever! My body said: "thank god" and now I am sick. That is my theory anyway.

It does present an interesting question. How does one eat when one is sick? Do you throw all tracking out the window and just get through it? Perhaps yes. Let's be real...as long as you get right back on track when you are feeling better it isn't the end of the world.

Clearly I'm not THAT sick as I can't eat pancakes with syrup so I guess I will live. :-)

In my head I know that, provided your stomach can handle it, healthy eating is the way to go "in sickness and in health".

So I'm going to continue to track and count the damn pancakes and syrup. It may mean I have to sacrifice an indulgence later in the week but the way I feel right now that won't be an issue.

Here is to health and to health eating so I can return to health :-)


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