One would think that as a person who has spent over a year attending classes at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, and who has spent the l...

Thursday 30 June 2016

DAY 31 IN HAWAII: Our last FULL day here

Note: On mobiles there may be large gaps between pictures. Just keep scrolling down. If you get an error message on the videos there is probably also a link in the error message telling you that if you click the link you can view it on youtube. The videos don't seem to work on all web browsers.


I won't say yesterday was our last day as we don't fly out until 10:28pm this evening but it was our last full day.

Of course I swam most of the day but that wasn't really the event of the day. The event was our amazing (although outrageously expensive) celebratory night out.

Just to get the breakfast and lunch thing out of the way quickly we basically tried to use up the last of the groceries so there is a mixture of eggs, rice, okra, mushrooms, zucchini, onions, and Parmesan cheese in these dishes.

Now onto dinner. We went to the restaurant rated as the best restaurant in Honolulu. It is Hawaii's longest consecutively rated AAA 5 Diamond Resturant The restaurant info can be found here: La Mer .  My brother Mike went to this place over twenty years ago and tld me how great it was. Man was he right!

We got the best seats in the house! The corner seat overlooking the Ocean and the Hula performers down below. We did not even think about eating for "weight" reasons. Tonight was a special night and we had whatever we wanted. Here are some pictures of our amazing night out. Jamie and I shared all of our dishes so I am just posting all the food.

It was delicious but it was one EXPENSIVE meal. Included a half bottle of wine ($68) and Jamie had a non-alcoholic drink. Keep in mind the price is US Dollars.

An amazing "last night".


Alan and Jamie

Wednesday 29 June 2016


Note: On mobiles there may be large gaps between pictures. Just keep scrolling down.


I can't believe yesterday was our 30th Day in Hawaii.

Today is our last FULL day, although our airport limo doesn't pick us up until 8:15pm tomorrow night so we pretty much get tomorrow too.

Just a heads up that if you aren't particularly interested in what I ate (I know most of you aren't) today's blog probably isn't worth reading. All I did was swim all day and go to a cocktail hour on the rooftop. I think you have seen enough pictures of me swimming.

Today's blog is really just ensuring I keep my commitment to post what I eat everyday while on vacation, good or bad, in the hope that it will at least keep me aware of the food I am consuming. Remember, as I told you before, I have gained 21 pounds on a two week vacation before so I can't afford to simply say "I'm on vacation!" and not pay attention.

Breakfast was eggs with bean sprouts, mushrooms and onions.

Lunch was Chicken curry with green beans:

At 5pm there was a free cocktail hour on the rooftop of our hotel. I had snacks and some kind of alcoholic drink (I actually think I had four of the alcoholic drinks). Don't judge: There are grapes and (buried) salsa on that snack plate and the drinks weren't that big! LOL

I was able to take some nice photos from the rooftop. We are already on the penthouse level so much of the view was the same but were able to get more of a 360ยบ perspective.

In the evening we went out for a walk around the city and ended up at McDonalds. It wasn't so much that we wanted McDonalds as it was that we didn't feel like going home to cook and eating out here is ridiculously expensive. We didn't want to spend $50 -$70 US to "grab a quick bite" which easily happens here.

I had an Artisan Grilled Chicken Sandwich and no drink or fries. As we had had the cocktail hour snacks it was plenty for dinner.

After getting home we laid back and watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. I thought it was cute. Jamie thought it was totally stupid. We are probably both right. It's cute and stupid.

Another great day.

