One would think that as a person who has spent over a year attending classes at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, and who has spent the l...

Thursday 9 June 2016

DAY 10 In HAWAII: Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, Raders of the Lost Ark and more!

Please note: On a mobile you may experience large gaps after pictures. Just keep scrolling down. Thanks!


What better way to start the day off than this!

It was a great day today and I ate all my meals at home like a good boy:-)

Breakfast was Greek Yogurt, with Raspberries, Blueberries, and Granola.

Lunch was Eggs with Mushrooms, Onions and Green Beans on toast.

Dinner was Fettuccine Noodles with Zucchini, Green Beans, Marinara Sauce, and a bit of Parmesan Cheese (and some wine of course).

Now that the food is out of the way let's talk about the day. We started by going to Poipu Beach Park.

When we arrived I looked at it and thought: "this is going to be my favourite beach" but it wasn't. The beach was just too rocky under the water. We still had a good time though (and the drive, as always, was spectacular).

The road to Poipu Beach Park

After the beach we went to the National Tropical Botanical Gardens and took a tour of part of McBryde Garden, and all of Allerton Garden.

Allerton Garden has been named one of the top 50 places of a lifetime by National Geographic Traveller magazine and it did not disappoint. Movies such as Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean and Raider of the lost Ark have been filmed here.

Here are some pictures of the spectacular gardens and surrounding area/creatures:

Can you find the frog on the Lily Pad?

This is breadfruit. According to the tour guide it has a nutrient composition that would allow you to remain fully nourished for life if it was all you ate. Apparently very high in protein. I will be googling this.

 A Reflective Pond

The next three pictures show a river Johnny Depp apparently crossed in Pirates of the Caribbean and it was also used in Raider of the lost Ark. The tour guide says that the Director of Pirates was getting frustrated because chickens (which are everywhere on this Island) kept running into the shots and there were not supposed to be any chickens in the movie. They ended up having to shoot all of the daytime scenes at night with bright lights on because the chickens were asleep at night.

Another Reflective Pond

Yet another Reflective Pond

These trees were used in the movie Jurassic Park.

Apparently the kids in the movie hid behind this tree (where I am standing)

The Raptors ran through here in Jurassic Park

This is known as the Spouting Hole:

A leaning tree seen on the way home. One of many.

Now you know why I needed that wine with my dinner. A great day but an exhausting day :-)



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