One would think that as a person who has spent over a year attending classes at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, and who has spent the l...

Friday, 24 June 2016


It's going to be a bit of a boring blog today for a couple of reasons:

1) We really didn't do much yesterday.
2) We hope to get out to climb Diamond Head this morning and want to get out there before it get too hot so I don't have much time to write.

I promised I would commit to posting everyday while I was away (mostly to remain accountable for my food choices...good or bad) so here goes.

Jamie had a pretty bad headache in the morning so we just stayed in the hotel and relaxed.

The headache had pretty much gone away by lunchtime and we thought we should do something so as not to waste the day. We decided to do the only logical thing: EAT! LOL

We had heard about a Dim Sum restaurant we really wanted to try here and although we knew it wouldn't be the healthiest of choices we really wanted to try it and today seems like the perfect day so off we went. It's called Jade Dynasty Seafood restaurant.

We stopped and took this picture along the way:

The Dim Sum really was great. Jamie said it was the best he ever had...and he has good taste :-). 

It was definitely worth it. We were proud to say we stopped when we were full. We left this on the table LOL.

 Stop the bus! If not it is about to roll on top of Jamie! :-)

The next stop was to set ourselves up to eat a little heather the rest of the week. We got fruit and veggies at the Farmers Market (pictured below) and then did a half hour walk over to Safeway and back to pick up the rest of our groceries.

In the evening I just couldn't bring myself to going through a day without hitting the beach but Jamie wasn't up for it so I happily trotted off on my own. This meant I didn't have the camera (I wouldn't have been able to swim with it) so there are no pictures.

It wasn't an overly exciting day but there are no complaints.

I am trying to figure out what is going on food wise. I have been feeling quite full (actually feel a bit bloated) and we did eat well at Dim Sum but neither Jamie or I felt like dinner (I managed some grapes and two glasses of wine...so all grapes really :-) ). That means we had no breakfast and no dinner yesterday.  Neither one of us normally eats like that.

Will try to have more balanced meals today. 

There is a WW meeting here tomorrow morning. I'm going to try and stop in. I'm not remotely stressed about it but I just "feel" like I have gained a lot this past week. We shall see.



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