I am sad to say that yesterday was our last full day on what may very well be the most beautiful place on earth. The Island of Kauai.
If you are planning a trip to Hawaii this Island is a MUST SEE!!! Unless you are a hiker five days is plenty of time here though. We stayed seven and found ourselves repeating things. It is not a big Island.
I started my day off by getting up bright and early and going for a 12K run. I knew I needed to beat the heat if I wanted to finish and that meant hitting the road at 4:45AM. What I didn't count on was how pitch black it was outside at that time of the morning. There are no street lights and it was actually kind of scary. I was more afraid of running into an animal than I was a car. In total I got over 30,000 steps in yesterday. I'm in a fitbit challenge this week and it certainly does pump up my game :-)

Breakfast was onions, hot pepper, a little bit of rice and eggs:

We had heard there was this great restaurant called The Shrimp Station but I thought it was at the other end of the Island (maybe there are two?) but when I was out for my run I ran past it so of course we had to go there for lunch. I had Cajun Shrimp and Jamie had Garlic Shrimp and we shared.

It was pretty good but not the most amazing thing ever.
We then headed down the road to the beach that we went to on our first day.

The beach was at Hanalei Bay. Love it there.
Remember the saga of Jamie falling asleep behind the tree and me living through 45 minutes of panic thinking he had drowned? Some of you said I should have taken a picture of the tree and since we were back I did. This is the infamous tree he was sleeping behind (with its special "wall trunk" to ensure I couldn't see him):

I went for a long walk along the beach and then I swam and swam and swam :-). I love to swim.

Remember the foolish kids doing back flips off the pier?

Well I wasn't about to do back flips but I had to prove I'm a kid at heart :-)

It was then time to drive home :-(

Jamie's friend "the bird" is getting more daring. I do hope he follows us to The Big Island.

Right inside the condo

The bird ate out of Jamie's hand again and left a present on my shirt to tell me what it thought of me.

A great day in the sun just needed to be followed by a light beer (or three).

Dinner was designed to finish up the last of the food. It was still really yummy though. Broccoli, tomatoes, onions and rice.

The last night in Kauai just had to be finished off with a big glass of wine (Come would be a crime to leave wine had to be finished!).

We will miss Kauai but are looking forward to our next adventure.
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