The subject line on today's blog was almost: "Beaches on the Big Island Suck!".
They don't really suck...they are just, well, not what we are used to...and not always safe. I'm not talking about "drowning" safe, I'm talking about injuring yourself on rocks safe. You certainly shouldn't be swimming here without a good pair of water shoes (at least on the "Kona" side of the Island..I still have to check out the other side).
What you do learn to appreciate when you go to the beach here is that you are indeed on an Island that is Volcano. Lava rock is everywhere...and you don't seem to be able to avoid it at the beach.
The first beach we went to was Kahalu'u Beach Park. It is horrible for typical "beach swimming" but was great for snorkelling. When I realized that I could snorkel and see all kinds of amazing fish without paying some tour company $70 to take me somewhere "special" I appreciated the beach a lot more than I originally did.

From there we drove down the road to La'Aloa Beach. First impressions were't great but once I got past those darn rocks there was a white sandy beach under the water and the colour of the water was spectacular. I loved it! Check out the Sea Turtle that decided to come and swim with us in the last 6 pictures in the group of pictures below.

As much as I have said I don't like all the rocks, when you look up close there are actually some pretty amazing ones.
It was a great day of swimming and snorkelling and we ended it by watching the sunset back at the condo and then enjoying a movie on the laptop as we looked out over the water.

I know a lot of you don't care about the food details so I left it until the end this time but part of my commitment on this holiday was to post what I ate and drank so here goes.
Breakfast: Eggs and veggies sprinkled with cheese.

Lunch: Road Trip Packing: Turkey and Roast Beef Sandwiches to share throughout the day.

Dinner: Home made Pad Thai made with rice noodles and bulked up with a ton of bean sprouts.

Snack: Popcorn (I didn't burn it this time :-) )

I didn't take a picture but there was also three glasses of wine.
I am getting a little bit worried about food intake if I am being honest. Will try to stay wise but am also going to do a long run this morning to help matters a little bit.
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